We need a new Spike Jonze movie. His last one was “Her,” released in 2013, and ever since then he’s had a few ambitious projects fall down by the wayside.
That’s why Pedro Pascal going on his social media, and hinting that he’s working on a project with Jonze is that little piece of evidence that, although it might not turn out to be a film, gives us hope.
While posting an image (seen below) of himself and Jonze, Pascal writes “We did a thing. Coming soon.”
Last year, we learned that Jonze’s pricey and mysterious Netflix sci-if series was no longer moving forward. The project had been shrouded in secrecy, and no plot details ever emerged about it — Joaquin Phoenix and Brad Pitt were once attached to star.
Puck previously described Jonze’s vision on the series as “ambitious” and “lavish.” There was also a writers room installed to deal with the show’s “broad and expansive canvas.” It’s a real shame, and the only good news that came out of it was that maybe Jonze would now concentrate on an actual film as his next project.
Since his 1999 debut, “Being John Malkovich,” Jonze has only directed four films in a span of 26 years, the others are “Adaptation,” “Where the Wild Things Are,” and “Her.”