Trending: Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman Paycheck Was Surprisingly Low

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The gist of this latest "controversy," trending on social media, is that back in 2014, when Gadot signed her three-picture deal with Warner Bros to star as Wonder Woman,  she was going to earn $300,000 for each film – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman and the upcoming "Justice League."

Here are a few talking points that I try to rebuke:

Except that she was pretty much a no-named actress before this. Nobody thought "Wonder Woman" would hit such pay dirt, but it did and she will be generously compensated for the sequel. Comparing Gadot's journey to Cavill's a little silly.  He was the lead in multiple films before "Man of Steel."  Gal Gadot had never played the lead in any English-language film before. Gadot was even contemplating quitting acting before Snyder convinced her to star in BvS.

You see, I saw "Fast & Furious," but I don't remember her AT ALL. You'd think I would, given the how beautiful and magnetic a screen presence she had in "Wonder Woman," but I just can't remember.

Ok, then why was this article even written? It's started a whole scandal on social media for absolutely nothing. You can rest assured Gadot will make a lot of money when the sequel happens.