An autopsy shows 'Star Wars' actress Carrie Fisher had cocaine, heroin and ecstasy in her system when she became ill on a flight last year

God damn it Carrie. Shame she fell off the wagon. She made her battles with addiction very well known to the public, so open and honest. I had always assumed she found a way to stop the itch, but, ask any addict, it's a shadowy figure that always looms large in the background whether you've stopped or not.

Of course, Leia was the beginning of a whirlwind in her life. It changed her well-being forever. You can't escape that kind of fandom. The everlasting kind. She had her issues with drugs and alcohol, but it never seemed to stop her from standing back up and fighting some more, showing her true strengths as an irredeemable force of nature. She took turns being on and off the bandwagon, that's the sad truth about many addicts and she was never shy about her battle with addiction.

"Carrie Fisher’s autopsy report shows the actress had cocaine in her system when she fell ill on a plane last year, but investigators could not determine what impact the cocaine and other drugs found in her system had on her death. The report released Monday states Fisher may have taken cocaine three days before the Dec. 23 flight on which she became ill. She died four days later. It also found traces of heroin, other opiates and MDMA, which is also known as ecstasy, but that they could not determine when Fisher had taken those drugs. The findings were based on toxicology screenings done on samples taken when the “Star Wars” actress arrived at a Los Angeles hospital."