Is ‘Casino' a True Story? The Real Inspirations [SPONSORED]

One of the most famous movies that are themed by the gambling world is called "Casino". An apt name for a movie that has everything to do with the topic, and then some. Just as with every casino movie, especially the ones made in the 90s, there are a few extra embellishments that happened but what most do not know, is that the storyline of the movie is actually based on a real-life version of the character Sam 'Ace' Rothstein and Ginger McKenna. Of course, the movie spent a lot of time trying to show Las Vegas in a certain light and add a bit of dramatic effect to some scenes, but overall, a lot of the movie has real inspirations from real people and real events. 

This article aims to share the storyline of one of the greatest movies known to cinema, take an in-depth look at the cast and then answer the one big question: How much of the movie is real?

The Epic Storyline

You have most likely seen the famous movie, Casino, but if you haven't, you're in luck because not only are you about to find out all you need to know about the storyline here but you also have the chance to watch it. Simply log into your local streaming service and get cracking. In the meantime, below are some of the most important things for you to know. You can even watch the trailer on YouTube first if you're skeptical, it's the one that starts with a visual of a whole bunch of slots like on slots welcome promotion and then delves into the highlights of the movie, just make sure you find the 1995 one, as that's the movie being spoken about here.  

The stage is set in Las Vegas, with the character Sam 'Ace' Rothstein, who is part of the Chicago mob but only has a low-level position. He is 'asked' (as you can imagine in a mob, there is very little asking and a whole lot more demanding) to go and head the Tangiers Casinos out in Las Vegas. He's hesitant at first but the chance to run a casino, exactly how he wants, makes him bite at the opportunity. You get to see a real-life depiction of what elegant casinos in the 70s were like in Las Vegas and with it being directed by Martin Scorsese, you can just imagine how excellent the motion picture is. You then see a very important character enter the stage, Ginger McKenna, who as all show-girls do, makes things all the more interesting. Watching the romantic side of the movie, with Sam and Ginny falling in love and getting married, is quite a sweet moment, however, this dream-like state is quickly disrupted when Sam's mob boss starts having increasingly intimidating demands, a friend of Sam's passes brutally and Sam's relationship with Ginger, that once seemed promising, starts to crumble. Without telling you what's going to happen, this movie is filled with ups and downs, moments of intrigue and a bit of humor and romance but then fully loaded with casino ideas. 

Taking a Look at the Casino Movie Cast

A movie cast almost doesn't get better than this one. At the helm of the movie is none other than Robert De Niro. The skill of De Niro is exceptional, in all of his movies but especially in Casino. It is one of the films where his talents really shine. His care and tact in embodying the character of Sam is noticeable in every single one of his movements. You might know him from other movies such as The Irishman, Joy and The Intern – all of which are completely different which just goes to show how good an actor this man is. 

Then second in charge is his leading lady, Ginger McKenna, who is played by the mighty Sharon Stone. As one of the best and most famous actors of her day and even today, she manages to pull off the show-girl beginnings of Ginger but then effortlessly allows the character to become the more affluent person she becomes when marrying Sam. Being able to pull both of these roles off within the same movie is quite the feat and something that Sharon Stone does to perfection.

The Big Question: Is Casino Based on a True Story?

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for – which parts of Casino are actually true?

Well, as mentioned above, the two main characters are indeed a real thing, they were even a real couple, only their names were Frank Rosenthal and Geri McGee. Frank truly was part of the mob and also did not hold a gaming license, just as in the movie. His bosses thought it would be too difficult for him to earn a license with all of his history, so they let him lead the casinos, which is quite funny. Geri McGee was indeed a show-girl, just as shown in the movie. Even if the car bombing scene in the movie is true, you might not believe that anyone could survive something like that but back in the day, in those older cars, there used to be a metal plate underneath the seat, which is what saved Frank from his demise. Then there are a few more somber moments that happen in the movie, ones that are a tad too dark to go into here but some of the deaths and drug abuse shown in the movie, did indeed happen in real life. 

Is it Worth Watching?

So, now that you know all that you need to know about the movie, without having the final bits, do you think the movie is worth watching? Well, only you can say but with actors such as Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone, the hope is that you do watch it, as these two put on quite a show. Plus, the Scorsese direction sure helps. 

The movie itself is a little rough to watch, it's not necessarily for the faint-hearted, not because they were trying to be vulgar or gruesome in the movie but because a lot of it is based on facts and to be ethical, the actors and team needed to really show some of the true events that happened. 

Plus, if you are into a bit of action, casino thrill and mob moves, then this movie is for you because it has expertly blended all three of these worlds to create quite the storyline. Seeing the behind the scenes of the casino world is also highly interesting, as it's something that you might not know about otherwise.