‘Indiana Jones 5’ Will Miss Its 2020 Release Date, Now Aiming for 2021 When Star Harrison Ford Will Be 77.


According to Variety, filming for "Indiana Jones 5" was "supposed to begin in April of 2019 in the United Kingdom, but sources close to the production say that shooting will no longer start next spring and will have to be pushed back by months, if not a year,” because the lead creatives aren’t happy with the script. 

You want to know why the constant delays in production for the fifth Indiana Jones? The fear of fucking up, again. At some point this fiolm was supposed to be released in the summer of 2019, but now we've reached the point where we'll be lucky if it happens in 2021.

The rumor of Chris Pratt taking over Ford's role will not happen, it seems, and I'm all fine with that as long as Harrison Ford stops flying planes for a living and concentrates on being healthy and in-shape for the role.

The last Indiana Jones, "Kingdom of Crystal Skull," had its charms, but was nevertheless a soulless letdown. I hated it upon initial viewing but a rewatch, with tampered expectations, had me thinking it was actually a slight, but playfully entertaining romp.

Nevertheless, "Crystal Skull" was nowhere near as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom or, even, The Last Crusade. Spielberg admitted it. Ford admitted it. The screenplay was terrible, it took them almost 20 years to write something concrete and all they could come up with was a half-cooked plot about aliens and Nazis? Spielberg is trying to really make up for it with this next film, he wants to send Indiana off with a bang.

George Lucas won't have anything to do with this one, which is great, his screenplays usually stink. Another part of the reason the last Indy didn't work as well was that you had to suspend disbelief and pretend a 70 year-old Harrison Ford could pull off all those stunts. The first two films are still the golden standard, but can we conceivably buy Ford at AARP age still kickin' ass?

EDIT:  Harrison Ford was born on 7/13/42; he'll be 79 when the film is released.