Bryan Singer Fired from "Bohemian Rhapsody"

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And we thought "Justice League" had production problems? 

What kind of irresponsible twerp behaves the way Bryan Singer has behaved on the set of "Bohemian Rhapsody"? This is blatant blacklist material for the 52-year-old writer-director, will he ever nab another job after this? He's clearly going through some kind of mental breakdown, possibly having to do with some past wrongdoings?

It was reported last week that Singer had disappeared from the set of "Rhapsody," and hadn't returned since the film’s Thanksgiving break. Even before that, reports were telling us of a very problematic shoot, with Singer not showing up as he pleased on days of shooting and the cinematographer having to take over directorial duties. 

Well then, it was bound to explode, especially with news of these problems becoming public. THR  is now reporting that Singer has been fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody.” 
20th Century Fox released this statement:
 “Bryan Singer is no longer the director of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’"
Yeah, that's the statement. Very blunt, to the point, nothing to hide. He's been axed. There have been rumors that Rami Malek, who is playing Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, complained to the studio about the director’s absence and unprofessionalism. In fact, it was so bad that according to THR Singer and Malek had a physical on-set altercation, with Singer even throwing a metal object towards Malek's direction.
This isn't an isolated event either for Singer, he also disappeared during shoots of  “Superman Returns” and “X-Men: Apocalypse,” so, don't believe Singer when he says he’s “suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because of the tensions on the set.” 
There are two weeks of filming left on “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and it is scheduled to open on December 25, 2018.