'An Inconvenient Sequel' more relevant than ever before

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There are movies that just gain traction and relevance when real-life events happen. Bonnie Cohen and Jon Chenk must be thinking we hit the goldmine here, albeit a bittersweet goldmine, as their upcoming "An Inconvenient Sequel" has gained a ton of relevance since yesterday's Trump dismissal of the climate accords. In fact, the climate accords play a very big role in their movie, the lats half hour or so is dedicated to the nitty gritty, behind-the-scenes, inside look of how that deal came to be.

So it is only fitting that Cohen and Shank's movie has just been edited to include Trump's exit from the Paris accords. The film was supposed to end on a positive note, but it seems yesterday's news has made the filmmaking duo re-think their entire outlook.


Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” will get a last-minute edit to incorporate President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement.

“An Inconvenient Sequel” is slated for release July 28. Paramount said the filmmakers will revise the movie to include Trump’s controversial move, announced Thursday.

“The final film will address today’s news,” Paramount spokesperson Katie Martin Kelley told Variety.

Here's an excerpt of my review from Sundance;

"An Inconvenient Sequel" is Al Gore's state of the union address, an important document of change and time. In fact the notion of time healing everything and making us realize our mistakes is a key theme in this film directed by Bonnie Cohen and Jon Chenk. I would go as far as to say that it is better than the 2006 David Guggenheim film, if, maybe, not as revolutionary considering that film brought global warming to the forefront of the mainstream and changed the political spectrum when it came to the environment. If that 2006 film felt like a high school lecture/power point, and I'm not stretching it a bit here considering it is one of the most watched films in high schools nationwide, this sequel is more in the style of cinema verite and has Gore in a rather passionate and angry mood. The high point of the film has the former Vice-President manoeuvring chaotically/strategically to get
India on board the 2016 Paris agreement, a key setting for the film which shows what can happen when world leaders come together to better the planet we live in."

Gore also appeared post-screening:

“This movie gives me an extra burst of hope because I think …it really effectively tells the story of how much hope is our there for transforming our energy system to become much more efficient,” Gore told the crowd, almost all of who remained in their seats after the screening concluded. Gore added: “We are going to win this.”