5 Facts About Darren Aronofsky's Secretive, Untitled New Movie

Darren Aronofsky is a filmmaker who's always on the radar for cinephiles as to what he's going to do next. This is after all the director that brought us "Requiem For A Dream," "The Wrestler" and "Black Swan." Most directors would kill to have just one of these films in the span of an entire career.

We don't have an actual title for his latest secret project, but, through actual on-set accounts, the film seems have the working title of "Day 6," although there have also been rumors that it is called "Mother." The film has wrapped up shooting and has been in post-production since August. 

By all accounts it also looks like the film will be a thriller and there was an intriguing tweet earlier last month that stated the cast and crew were shooting in an "apocalyptic house that was upside down" and that the "set was real dirty and needed standby nurses." There were also "150 extras and some were instructed to say "help me." Whatever that means.

Intriguing. Maybe this is, in fact, a horror movie. Who knows. But what we do know are these 5 facts about the untitled project.

1) It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, Domhnall Gleeson and Michelle Pfeiffer. 

2) IMDB says the plot revolves around “a couple whose relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence.”

3) The film was shot on 16mm, but only on the last day of shooting did digital cameras get used for effects purposes

4) The film will supposedly continue Aronofsky's dive into "political" themes after his last film "Noah" As the director mentioned at the Reykjavik Film Festival this past week: "My latest project probably has similar political intentions behind it, but first and foremost responsibility as a narrative filmmaker is making something that is emotional and can connect with an audience."

5) Long-time Aronofsky composer Clint Mansell, having scored all of his movies, will step down for Jóhann Jóhannsson a composer I greatly admire whose pulse pounding score in "Sicario" was a real highlight.

For more on Aronofsky's appearance at The Reykjavik Film Festival click HERE for IndieWire's coverage of the event