Yes, this is a sequel to Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" is currently in the works and that McGregor will star as the adult version Danny Torrence. Torrence, if you remember, was the kid that kept uttering REDRUM and that had daddy chasing him all over the maze-like hotel with an ax (check out that on-the-nose Shining-esque poster below).
Read more‘3 From Hell' Trailer: Rob Zombie's ‘Devils' Rejects' Sequel Could Be Just What the Doctor Ordered
Writer-director-actor-musician Rob Zombie's best movie, and it's not even close, is "The Devil’s Rejects." Although it was a sequel to 2003’s subpar "House of 1000 Corpses," the film was a beast of its own and I haven't been shy here at WoR in my enthusiasm about a potential rumored sequel. Last January we were told that a ‘Devil’s Rejects’ sequel was in the works, and then we found a out Zombie was shooting it. So, not only is it happening, but its trailer has just been released, with the title "3 From Hell.
Read more‘Onward’ Trailer: Another Pixar Winner?
The folks at Pixar swear that they are done with sequels. Well, at least, after “Toy Story 4” is released next month. After that we can look forward to original content, starting with Dan Scanlon’s “Onward.” Yes, it’s a movie about Elves but Ill give the toon company the benefit of the doubt, they have, after all, given us these past 15 years classics such as “WALL-E,” “Finding Nemo,” “Up!” “Ratatouille,” “The Incredibles,” and “Toy Story 3.”
Read moreDespite Death of Freddie Mercury at the end of “Bohemian Rhapsody," sequel being discussed
Don't get greedy now.
Read moreTerminator 6 Budget Reportedly at $160-$200 Million
People are underestimating the potential of Tim Miller’s upcoming Terminator movie, a sort of back-to-the-basics approach by producer James Cameron and Miller to bring the franchise back to its glory days (the first two films). Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are back. What more do you need? Also, don’t, for a second, think Cameron is the mastermind behind the whole film; Yes, Miller is credited as director but you very much need to see this film as a directorial duet. Cameron and Miller are the co-directors.
Read more“Iron Man 3" is The Most Underrated Movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

It's kind of a funny thing when you think about Robert Downey Jr's story. The drugs, the sex, the crazy partying, the meltdowns - it all led to an insanely triumphant comeback and him becoming, of all things, an action star by playing Iron Man in three highly successful movies. He is, more or less, the star of the MCU, or, at least, alongside Chris Evans' Captain America, its face.
Downey made a career of memorable roles before his personal life went out of control due to a severe bout with cocaine and heroine addiction, but "Iron Man" staged the most incredible comeback in, qute possibly, Hollywood history. He went from a black-listed actor that nobody wanted near their productions to the highest-paid actor in Hollywood.
The comeback, contrary to what some might think, didn't start with "Iron Man" but instead with 2006's indie "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" which was written and directed by a guy that was also deemed "washed-up," a "has-been" by the industry: Shane Black. A noir, murdery-mystery comedy, the film also kickstarted an acting style Downey Jr. would mimic in the "Iron Man" and "Sherlock Holmes" films.
READ MORE: 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' Movies RANKED
Black started his career as a whiz-kid screenwriter. At the age of 27 he wrote "Lethal Weapon" and became the hottest screenwriter in town, he followed that up with cult classics such as "The Last Boy Scout," "The Last Action Hero" and "The Long Kiss Goodnight." However, none of the aforementioned films even came near the box-office success of "Lethal Weapon." After "The Long Kiss Good Night" in 1996 Black disappeared from the spotlight only to return with "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang."
The partnership, and consequential friendship, between Black and Downey Jr. would lead the latter to vouch and fight for the former to helm "Iron Man 3." Black would eventually take over Jon Favreau's duties as director.
If "Iron Man 2" was a total and utter disappointment, the third installment felt fresh, unique and unlike anything we had previously seen from the MCU. It, of course, was a drastically different film from the 2008 original, a benchmark for the MCU. "Iron Man 3" felt fresh, innovative and just downright satirical about the superhero genre.
The screenplay approach to the film was somewhat unusual and still is an anomaly in the genre. Black tried to sidestep cliches by infusing his own auteur voice to the mix. The recognizable writing style and themes that he sculpted since 1987's "Lethal Wepon" were there in spades: Male bonding, the trade of witty dialogue, labyrinthine crime plots and, most importantly, the Christmas setting, all rendered the film a uniqueness that would never be greenlit in today's safer, by-the-books MCU. In other words, the movie was filled with what we've come to know as "Shane Blackisms."
Back in 2013 I had this to say about the film:
"Shane Black, has taken over Jon Favreau's duties as director of the newest Iron Man. If Iron Man 2 was a total and utter disappointment, this newest installment seems fresh and newly invigorated. It helps that Iron Man 3's screenplay is written in a way that goes against the narratives we are used to now with the MCU movies, much kudos must be given to Shane Black and Drew Pearce who collaborated on the screenplay. In Iron Man 3 the baddies are played by capably brilliant actors -Ben Kingsley and Guy Pierce- that bring a real nice touch to a film that could have easily steered the wrong way. This is a film that doesn't take itself so seriously and that's possibly the best approach to have in making these kinds of movies. As an added bonus, this has he potential to be a Christmas classic."
five years after its release, it seems like we will likely never again have the risk-taking of "Iron Man 3," espeially with Marvel and Disney upping the restraints on filmmakers as the films become more and more popular.
“It Chapter 2" Officially Casts Jessica Chastain as Beverly, Also in Talks are Bill Hader as Richie and James McAvoy as Bill

Director Andy Muschietti's horror remake of Stephen King's clown opus “It” was a box-office smash last fall. It even surpassed "The Exorcist" at the top spot and became the highest-grossing horror movie in box-office history, nabbing more than $327M at the domestic box-office. Incredible numbers, so much so that a sequel was inevitable, and, as we quickly learned, was in the works only a few weeks after the film's September release.
The focus of this aforementioned second chapter would be on the main kids, but all grown up some thirty years later, but Pennywise the clown still looming and torturing them in the creaky darkness. Muschietti wasn't shy in his insistence to have Jessica Chastain play grown-up Beverly, the redhead, and we had heard of serious talks between the actress and Warner Brothers pictures occurring as early as this past winter.
Well, THR is now reporting that those talks have translated into Chastain being officially cast for the sequel. However, that's not the only bombshell we received yesterday evening, we also learned that none other than James McAvoy and Bill Hader were now themselves in serious negotiations to join the sequel. McAvoy is supposedly sought to play the role of adult Bill Denbrough, and Hader would be playing Richie Tozier, the dirty-mouthed comedic relief of the "losers club."
"It Chapter 2" will be adapted from King‘s horror novel, which was about a group of childhood friends, that once battled a supernatural clown, returning to their hometown as adults only learn that same evil still exists. If fans were praying for casting to be well thought-out for this much-anticipated sequel, then their wishes have surely been granted. Chastain was strongly pushed as a fan favorite to play Bev and both Hader and McAvoy are strong, resiliently talented actors that will no doubt bring a ton of charisma to their respective roles. Also, Muschietti and Chastain previously worked together on the horror film “Mama,” an underseen gem released earlier this decade. Bill Skarsgård will, of course, be back as the shape-shifting clown from hell, Pennywise.
“It: Chapter 2” opens on September 6, 2019.