UPDATE: Puck’s Matt Belloni is reporting that “The Odyssey” is currently aiming for a $250M production which would match the most expensive film of Nolan’s career (“The Dark Knight Rises”).
EARLIER: The InSneider is reporting that “The Odyssey” will be “the most expensive film of [Christopher] Nolan’s career.” Not surprising.
“The Odyssey” is as epic as it gets. You’re also going to need top-notch special effects to recreate Homer’s vision on screen. In the poem, Odysseus encounters plenty of monsters from Greek mythology, including the sirens, Scylla, cyclops, witch goddesses, and the Strait of Messina whirlpool known as Charybdis.
As it stands, 2012’s “The Dark Knight Rises” is Nolan’s most expensive movie ever with a budget of $250M, The cast of ‘The Odyssey’ is also loaded with big names, and apparently there are more to be announced. For now, we have Tom Holland, Matt Damon, Zendaya, Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Robert Pattinson and Lupita Nyong’o.
“The Oddysey” is an adaptation of the epic poem, composed by Homer, around 8th century BCE, and it will likely result in an automatic 3+ hour movie. It’s also going to be the biggest risk of Nolan’s career as the source material has long been thought of as “unfilmable,” unfit for the screen.