Why Reading Movie Reviews Can Help You Before Watching

Meta Description: Netflix and chill this weekend? This statement means different things to different people, but the common denominator is entertainment, mainly in a movie or TV series.

There are hundreds of movie genres, so everyone has their unique taste. The one thing that the billions of people who love watching movies for entertainment have in common is the need for entertainment that suits them. A typical film runs for at least 90 minutes, so unless you had other things in mind to occupy your time while you watch the movie, you really don’t want to waste it all on a piece that doesn’t suit you. This is where a thorough film review comes in.

So, do you review movies before watching, and why should you?

You get a Glimpse into it

Reviews prevent you from walking into a movie blindly. You read about the cast, the views of experts, and in the end, you are somehow sure of how you will feel about the film. Let’s say you are about to watch The Hunger Games but have no idea what it is all about. To be fair, this no is an easy choice since it is good regardless of whether or not you are into the genre - Sci-fi/Action – and there are way too many things going on not to be pulled into it as you watch. That said, you would still want to know what to expect before you allow yourself to get started. It’s pretty easy to find a review worth watching and to read about online these days because enough sites write thorough movie reviews.

Saves you Some Cash and Time

If the movie is on Netflix, you only waste time if you watched something that didn’t meet your entertainment quota. You only need to watch a preview then go back to the library to see your other options. Still, it’s time-wasting going through the ones of options and previewing each of them when you could have read about ten or so on one short article. Pre-COVID, going to the movies was a favorite pastime and icebreaker for new and potential relationships, so you would want to avoid wasting time and money on something you will not like.

Worth paying attention to that if you wouldn’t want to read a review that explains everything, short but very informative essays on movies come to replace, thanks to which the problems of the film immediately become clear and what the director wanted to convey. Those responsible for writing movie reviews or essays have already watched the entire film and can summarize it without giving too much away. If you ever find the best write-up on a film, then you may want to keep that contact for future reference.

Reviewing reading only takes a few minutes because the writer knows not to write a book. It gives you the finer details to encourage you or put you off so that you already know the likely outcome before you watch. A written review is different from a trailer because trailers are made from the best parts of a film, so they could be misleading. They are meant to sell it to the audience, and it is mostly a whole other game when you actually watch the whole thing later.

Makes you Curious

Some reviews are negative, but you may find the writer simply didn’t have your taste if you read deeper. What may be categorized as boring and not worth watching could turn out to be the best film you have ever watched. So, read up, then decide whether to give it a go or skip it altogether. You might be motivated even by a poor rating.

You Learn More About the Team

Behind every successful film is a team that few people get to see. The attention and focus usually light up the cast, but the team behind that action will only be known to you if you read a review. You learn about the writers, producers, directors, and others that play vital roles in making the cast look good on camera. When you get n the habit of reading these things, you become so knowledgeable in the industry that you know whose films to watch just by reading the list of creatives behind it. An actor is only as good as the material they are working with, so those behind the scenes are the ones that should concern you the most.


The best movies are so many that it would take you several years of watching one a night to even go through half the material available. You will not know what is available until you read about it or watch a trailer. Since trailers are longer and, as we said, might not represent the most accurate picture, reading might be the better option. It only takes a few minutes, and you get to go through as much material as