“Cryptozoo” is a failed attempt at animated provocation. It’s actually my second run-in with filmmaker Dash Shaw after 2016's slightly superior “My Entire High School Sinking Into The Sea.” Delving into the world of horny zookeepers and endangered mythical creatures, Shaw wonders whether these rare beasts should stay in the confines of a zoo, or remain hidden in the unknown. Much like his previous effort, the animation in “Cryptozoo” looks like it was drawn by a middle schooler, which is a real shame because this is a movie that relies heavily on its visual schema. Shaw tries to draw parallels between the cryptic creatures and contemporary mass immigration. Hey, If you want to compare wild, exotic, untamed creatures with marginalized social classes then go right ahead, but at least give us some kind of dramatic hook to go along with it. Shaw is so focused on being weird that he forgets that a story needs to be coherently told. Roll up a joint and watch Adult Swim instead. [D]