The pig docu-fiction “Gunda,” directed by Viktor Kosakovskiy, is an experimental and beautifully photographed black and white statement about the life of farm animals. It premiered at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year and I finally caught up with it last October where it screened at the digital edition of the New York Film Festival. “Gunda” is meant to be a challenging watch for its viewers, not a positive thing in this instance, as its minimalist tackling of the life of a pig and its companions on an unknown farm is the kind of experience exclusively meant for high-brow cinephiles who happen to be animal activists. A very narrow demographic — And yet, it seems as though film critics have taken a real liking to it as “Gunda” currently has a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Go figure. Despite all that, NEON bought the film for distribution and marked it for a virtual week-long Oscar-qualifying run in New York and Los Angeles this past December. It will be available on VOD this coming Friday. been warned, this one’s a real snoozer.