The Alexandre Aja-directed, Ram Raimi-produced horror movie “Crawl” has a major fan in the form of Quentin Tarantino. According to Deadline writer Pete Hammond, the director of “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” named the alligator movie as his favorite of the year. “Tarantino says it impressed him in every way, in terms of pure filmmaking,” Hammond wrote.
Of course, Tarantino, ever the eclectic, does tend to have a rather unique taste in movies.
“Crawl,” directed by Alexander Aja, received positive reviews when it was released this past July. It even managed to become a box-office hit by raking $89 million at the box-office, all this on a dirt-cheap $13 million budget.
The film is about a woman having to fend off a relentless attack from a pack of gigantic alligators. It was a perfectly acceptable B-movie, with a more-than-decent amount of scares. Aja’s film had tension, I can assure you that, but the acting, especially from lead Kaya Scodelario, struck as a little false. Regardless, it’s well worth seeking this out low-budgeted indie scarefest.