Peter Jackson tweets his love for Valerian. The "most magically enchanting movie I've seen in years"

I wrote this yesterday:

"Valerian" is a film that works, for the most part. It's one of the most frustrating and dazzling movies, but what works is quite spectacular. The visuals are astonishing, some of the best use of 3D in quite some time. The story is basically a hodge-podge reason to just make the most visually arresting movie in quite some time. Think "Avatar,"  to which this film bears many similarities. The actors are well cast, I can see its leads Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan, having a great future in the industry. This is really top notch casting just for the sheer fact that these actors don't look ridiculous at all spewing ridiculous dialogue. Director Luc Besson has had a mixed bag filmography, but his highs (Leon: The Professional, La Femme Nikita, Taken and, even, the ludicrously brilliant Lucy) have made him a formidable influential voice in cinema. "Valerian" is an ambitious attempt to create a new world like James Cameron did with "Avatar," the result is an ambitious mess, but we need more people like Besson that push the envelope and refuse to adhere to the current sequelitis infesting the industry.
