Marvel Head Paul Feig: Avengers 4 Ends The MCU's 'Original 22-Movie Arc'

The crown jewels of this phase, the MVPs if you will, were "Iron Man" and "Captain America: Winter Soldier."

This is a big deal. I dont think post Avengers 4 the MCU will work exactly the same and the leaders of the Avengers will change. Probably primarily a new cast, with characters like Cap or Iron Man either taking secondary roles or dying.

We are looking at a five-movie storyline — Civil War, Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, untitled Avengers, Homecoming 2 — or whatever we end up calling it — as an amazing five-story journey for Peter Parker,” Feige says. “In the way that the events of Civil War directly inform the opening of Homecoming and his state of mind as he goes back to high school, so too will the events of the next two Avengers movies as he continues with high school."

"This original 22-movie arc ends with the untitled Avengers in May of 2019 and then two months later it will be Peter and Spider-Man (on July 5, 2019) that usher us into the aftermath and how things proceed from there."