'The Mummy' is Tom Cruise's 'Battlefield Earth'

Yes, yes. I toughened it up and showed up to Universal's first foray into reinventing their "Monster Universe." If this film is any indication of the others coming up (Wolfman, Frankenstein) then Universal is in for a major world of hurt. There is nothing, I mean nothing, worth recommending in "The Mummy," not even Tom Cruise who seems to be miscast here. The CGI is over top top, The screenplay is a jumbed mess and the direction, by Alex Kurtzman, uninspired creatively. 

There's aren't any sequences that thrill, it's just a continuous string of poorly written, poorly acted and poorly executed scenes. Again, Kurtzman's directions disappoints. 

Instead of it being a movie about Sofia Boutella's The Mummy, it becomes all about Tom Cruise, who as I said earlier is just awfully wrong for this role. In fact, by the end of this newest installement of the classic tale, I was actually craving for the Brendan Fraser starring "The Mummy," which had a more lively and inspired vibe to it than any second of Kurtzman's version.

The reviews are atrocious. RT score of 21% and a 39 on Metacritic. The box-office projections have slid, this will be another summer bummer. We're looking at a $25-30M weekend now. Tom Cruise. I'm a fan. But this is a real killer for his career. Thanks God he has another "Mission Impossible" coming up. I always knew this project was a bad idea. Why would Cruise sign up for this role? Money talks, I guess or maybe he actually, truly believed in the potential.