Suicide Squad 2 May Start Filming In 2018

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"Suicide Squad" was seen as another nail in the coffin for DC universe, but Zack Snyder wasn't the director scapegoated this time around, no, David Ayer was the culprit this time around. I loved what Ayer did with the WW2 Brad Pitt flick "Fury." He's not a bad director, he just had no creative freedom.  There were reports of ongoing friction between Ayer and Warner Bros over final cut. Are we surprised? Of course not. Ayer wanted a finished project that was going to be an R rating, what the "Suicide Squad" deserved, but Warner Bros. decided on a run of the mill PG-13 rating. We all wanted an R. Will it happen with the sequel? 

The most mentioned director to take over the sequel has been Mel Gibson, whom, according to Variety and The Hollywood Reporter,  is in talks to direct "Suicide Squad 2"
"Mel Gibson is mulling joining the DC Extended Universe … as a director. Warner Bros. is courting the actor-director to helm Suicide Squad 2 and the sides are early in talks, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. No official offer has been made nor has any commitment. Sources say that Gibson is familiarizing himself with the material. But the studio is not being passive and is also looking at other directors, Daniel Espinosa among them."
The only way this would work is if he actually is given an R rating for the project. There is no way Mel could truly get the vision he wants with a PG-13 rating. 

Now we have this little nugget from "Suicide Squad" actor Joel Kinnaman saying the plan is to start shooting in 2018 and that there is still no unconfirmed director.

What's the status of the Suicide Squad sequel and will you be back for it?
As far as I know they're writing the script and I think the plan is to shoot it sometime in 2018, but that could change. I think I'll definitely come back for it.
There's no director attached to it yet. Who do you want to direct it?
Ultimately, I'd love for David Ayer to direct it, but if he doesn't want to direct it then someone who is great with character and that's able to ground the story and maybe put these characters in a more normal situation. It would be really interesting to see these crazy characters interact with regular people as well.