Richard Gere boycotted by Hollywood because China has quietly blacklisted him

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The guy's has been pushing Tibet's cause for quit some years now. Right on, Hollywood's ability to consciously turn a blind eye to China's treatment of Tibet is pretty shameful. Remember when Marvel changed the origin story of "Doctor Strange" to remove any mention of Tibet? That was particularly bad. Anyways, Gere is curently giving us some of the best performances of his career in such indies as "Norman," "Time Out of Mind," and "Arbitrage."

Here's what Vanity Fair says:

"China, the country that finances much of Hollywood these days. Not so coincidentally, it’s also the country that Gere—a practicing Tibetan Buddhist and longtime friend of the religion’s exiled leader, the Dalai Lama—infamously disparaged during the 1993 Oscars when he went off-script while presenting the art-direction category. There are definitely movies that I can’t be in because the Chinese will say, ‘Not with him,’” Gere tells The Hollywood Reporter in a new interview. “I recently had an episode where someone said they could not finance a film with me because it would upset the Chinese.”