Doug Liman's 'American Made' starring Tom Cruise

Having recently seen Doug Liman's latest film, "The Wall" starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson an John Cena, I couldn't help, but start thinking about Liman's track record and how great his hits to misses ratio has been so far in his 18 year career. No small feat, especially given the current climate of  today's blockbuster-crazed Hollywood standards. His filmography is impressive (Swingers, Go, The Bourne Identity, Mr and Mrs. Smith,  Edge of Tomorrow, Fair Game and, now, The Wall). Yes, those are not artful films, but they are solid entertainments. 

There's is nothing overtly spectacular, or flashily stylized about "The Wall." But, just like Liman's strongest films, it entertains. It's almost as if Liman has been Hollywood's secret weapon for almost 20 years. He's reliable, efficient and incredibly well-seasoned in his filmmaking approach.

He is also an above average filmmaker in regards to shooting action and decently fleshing out character as well, I can't wait to see what he does next with "American Made" which has Tom Cruise playing Barry Seal, a TWA pilot recruited by the CIA to help abide the rise of Communism in Central America. All of this leads to Seal being involved with the drug cartel and, who else, Pablo Escobar. 

"American Made" is released on September 22nd, maybe a bow at TIFF is due?