Colin Trevorrow Says It's 'Heartbreaking' the way 'Book of Henry' was received, but still 'stands by the movie'

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Trevorrow is coming off his own worst nightmare, "The Book of Henry." I decided to catch a press screening of the film earlier this week because, well, I wanted to see some of Trevorrow's chops before the "Star Wars" storm hits next year. What I didn't expect was the worst movie of the year, which, as it stands now, "The Book of Henry" most definitely is. A sentimental, misguided, confused and jumbled mess of a movie. A horrid mix of genres that never adds up. 

Trevorrow has finally weighed in, to Variety, on the hate, and yes it is hate, that the film has received from critics and audiences:

It’s a little heartbreaking, without getting too personal. It came to us as a bit of a shock because we had screened this movie to so many people, and we’d had reactions from so many people that we felt we knew what we had and we knew how it was affecting the audience. And that actually hasn’t changed. It affects audiences in the same way that we thought it would.
We did not anticipate that level of vitriolic dislike for the film. In the end, do I want to be somebody who pleases both audiences and critics? Absolutely. Is that hugely disappointing? It is."
I do stand by the movie. I know it’s something I am very proud of, and everyone who made it is very proud.” 
"Star Wars" fans buckle your seat belts, the next few months might be a very bumpy ride because there will be no end to the rumors that Trevorrow will be fired from the Episode IX director's chair. If Disney is sticking with their man they will have to publicly back him up, then we can shake off the rumors and hope for the best with Trevorrow's final product. In the meantime, we have speculation and Trevorrow tweeting the saddest of tweets: