Goodfellas - 4K Restoration Trailer

It would be nice if the 4k restoration trailer was actually 4k. Hey, even 1080p would have been nice. Nevertheless, it has been no secret that we badly needed this restoration with the upcoming  4K disc of Martin Scorsese‘s Goodfellas. Will it do the film justice? This 4k still has its harsh critics, especially Jeffrey Wells over at Hollywood Elsewhere who suggests the brownish tint is so bad we should start calling it "Brownfellas." Yikes. I am hopeful, I don't see the brownish tint, but I get what he's saying. Maybe it's because I grew up with Goodfellas only having a brownish tint or as Wells describes it as if it "was marinated in gravy, lentil soup and butterscotch sauce and then left to bake in the afternoon sun." Although I have seen the film ample times, this trailer makes me want to see it again, such is the effect that Scorsese's masterpiece has 26 years on.