The big night is here, possible upsets I'd look out for

Maybe I should have titled it better, but fuck it. These are possibilities that I've been hearing just to get you guys going and hoping.

Best Picture
We all know that The Revevant is THE film to beat, all this based on buzz? albeit could be fabricated by the studio, but who knows, because, truth be told, it did not win the PGA. The Big Short won the PGA and that could very upset. There's been a crazy-bugged rumored that Room could upset as well ... wouldn't that be something. Really, at the end of the day it seems like Spotlight is the biggest contender for The Revenant.

Best Actor
Nothing, absolutely NOTHING can beat Dicaprio. Although Fassbender deserves it more, much more.

Best Actress
Brie Larson has swept up every possible award, can anyone actually beat her? My biggest bet would be to look at the British voters and how they can possibly score an upset win for Charlotte Rampling in 45 Years. It's very doable and would be a very welcome treat. However, betting wise? Brie.

Best Supporting Actor
This seems to be Sly Stallone's Oscar to lose, he was above average good in Creed and the industry loves the guy, especially for a role he iconized more than 40 years ago being nominated again Biggest competition would be Mark Rylance, who will get the ever important British vote and Mark Ruffalo, an actor that is due to finally win an Oscar for what has been, so far at least, one of the great acting careers of the last two decades.

Best Supporting Actress
Tightest race of the night. Rooney Mara vs. Alicia Vikander vs. Kate Winslet. My bet? Vikander, it's the safest way to go, but Winslet winning would be oh so sweet. For a film which got unfairly snubbed, same with Mara's film, even more so actually. This will be the race to look out for in the early stages of the evening.

Best Director
A tight race between George Miller and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarittu, last year's winner for Birdman. Another crazy theory came out for Lenny Abrahamson to upset, don't count on it. This is a two man race and I wouldn't be happier if Miller could pull through an upset for he directed the best movie of the year and it was very much because of his visual wizardry.

Best Cinematography
Chivo. Nothing comes close to Lubezki winning for a third year in a row. Deakins could upset just for the fact that he's been nominated so many damn times and is truly the best director of photography out there, no offense Chivo. Wouldn't that be great?

Best Foreign Language Film
Son Of Saul vs Mustang. Mustang is more accessible, but Saul is better. It's a freaking masterpiece. I'd say it's a 60/40 advantage for Saul at the moment.

Best Animated Film
Inside Out. Anomalisa was great, but Inside Out was REVOLUTIONARY. Nothing will be it.