Terry Gilliam Working on New Ambitious Film Tackling God, Satan, Adam & Eve
Terry Gilliam has been doing the interview rounds for the Portuguese release of his underrated 2018 film “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote,” and he’s already mentioned several times what he wants his next movie to be.
According to Gilliam, the premise would involve God wanting to wipe out humanity, because he's so disappointed by what has gone down on planet earth, only for Satan to convince God to create a new Adam & Eve to create a new improved humanity.
Gilliam already talked about it last september in this Ukrainian interview. Also, Gilliam says that he's working with a "young screenwriter” that the script is nearly finished. Add in the fact that in a recent French interview he revealed that the budget for this film would be around 30 million dollars and you have the makings of a possible new film.
Bless Gilliam's rebellious heart, to even think of such an out-there premise like this one requires a filmmaker as oddly eccentric (and visionary) as him. The director of such classics as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," "Brazil," "12 Monkeys," and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" will surely be looking for European funding now since American producers have basically given up on bank-rolling such risk-taking stories.